Get Ready for Non-Stop Fun with Super Ace Slot at Winph

Super Ace Slot at Winph

In this review, we closely examine Super Ace Slot, exploring its features, gameplay, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to slots, we simplify the game to help you understand what makes it unique. From the spinning reels to the bonus rounds, we cover everything so you can decide if Super Ace Slot is the right choice for your gaming enjoyment. Let’s dive into the details and see what this slot game offers!

Super Ace Jili Slots

Super Ace Jili Slots

Super Ace Jili Slots is a game with five spinning sections, four rows, and a unique way symbols fall into place. Jili Games created it and has a classic card theme. Playing card suites are the most common icons, with the Wild and Scatter symbols rounding out the set. Wilds are interchangeable with all other icons except Scatters.

Game Mechanics 

Super ace Game Mechanics 

Super Ace is a game with five spinning parts and many ways to win 1024 ways! The main symbols are Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, along with the four card shapes. There are also unique golden versions of each card. These gold ones only show up in the middle of three spinning parts. When you get one, it becomes a special card with any symbol you need. It can also become a small or big special card and create more of itself in other spots. You get even more prizes in this game if you win a few times. You need to find three scatter pictures to start ten free spins with bigger prizes.

Super Ace Slot RTP and Volatility

Super Ace Slot RTP and Volatility

Super Ace Jili Slot boasts a commendable 97% Return to Player (RTP), indicating the percentage of wagered money players can expect to return over time. This high RTP implies favorable odds for players, as many of the bets contribute to potential winnings. Additionally, the slot is characterized by low to medium volatility, suggesting a balanced mix of frequent, smaller payouts and occasional more significant wins. This volatility level provides an engaging gaming experience, as players can anticipate various outcomes while enjoying the game. Super Ace Jili Slot aims to deliver a rewarding and entertaining gameplay experience with its favorable RTP and well-balanced volatility.

Bonus Features

Super Ace Bonus Features

Let’s explore the unique things in the game, what they mean, and how you can make them happen:

Golden Card

This card shows up on reels 2, 3, and 4. At first, it’s face-down. When it turns, it becomes a Wild, helping you create a winning combination.

Joker Symbol

This bonus has two kinds of cards: the ‘Big Jokes Card’ and the ‘Little Joker Card.’ The ‘Big Joker Card’ is better; it turns 1 to 4 regular symbols into Wilds, making bigger wins possible. The ‘Little Joker Card’ only turns itself into a Wild.

Combo Multiplier

There are four levels in the main game, starting from x1 to x5. The game has cascading reels, so your winnings will multiply by x1 after the first collapse.

Free Spins

If you get three scatter symbols, you get ten free spins. The Multiplier we mentioned earlier goes up to x10 during Free Spins. Getting three extra symbols gives you another five spins.


Absolutely! Super Ace Slot is optimized for mobile play so that you may spin the reels on your phone or tablet.

Absolutely. Super Ace Slot uses advanced technology to ensure fair gameplay and employs robust security measures to protect your personal and financial information.

Yes, Super Ace Slot often provides a free play option for players who want to try the games without wagering real money. It’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the platform.

If you experience any issues, Super Ace Slot has a dedicated customer support team. Contact them through the given methods, such as instant messaging (IM) or email, and you can expect prompt service.

Absolutely. Super Ace Slot is designed to cater to players of all levels, including beginners. The interface is intuitive, and there are often guides and tutorials to help new players get started.


In conclusion, Super Ace Slot offers an exciting gaming experience with vibrant graphics and engaging gameplay. With various themes and easy-to-use controls, players can enjoy a seamless and enjoyable time in this slot game. The diverse selection of slots caters to different preferences, ensuring something for everyone. Additionally, the user-friendly interface enhances the gaming journey, making it accessible for players of all levels. For those looking to try their luck and experience the thrill of Super Ace Slot, Winph Casino is a recommended platform. Winph Casino provides a secure and enjoyable environment for players to explore various games, including Super Ace Slot, while offering opportunities for exciting wins.

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